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The keys to Belén Écija’s pre-wedding training

The actress Belén Ecijadaughter of the performer Belén Rueda and the producer Daniel Écija, just a few weeks ago he announced his commitment to his virtual followers with Jaime Sánchez. Days later, the Madrid native revealed that has started exercising with Miguel Lordanbetter known as Mltrainer, who is also trusted by, for example, Mar Flores, Elena Rivera or Malena Costa. We analyze the keys to your training and We tell you how Belén stays in shape until the big day.


The keys to Belén Écija’s pre-wedding training© belenecijar

Belén Écija prepares for her wedding with Jaime Sánchez

Belén Écija’s, in the words of personal trainer José Ignacio Hernández-Coronado, is “a low impact workout which protects the joints, improves proprioception (perception of the body in space), strengthens the stability of ankles and knees, increases cardiovascular capacity and tones the lower body and the core“. Belén Écija who, as she herself has said, until now only practiced Pilates at homeseems to have become fond of the sessions of functional training. We tell you which exercises made up the first one.


Belén Écija's pre-wedding training© belenecijar

glute bridge

The objective of this exercise is strengthen the glutesthe hamstrings and the lower back. To do it correctly you have to lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet resting on the floor, hip-width apart. Raise your hips by activating your glutes, forming a straight line from your shoulders to your knees. Hold the contraction for a second and lower yourself slowly. Place a ball between your knees if you want to add resistance. This exercise, strengthens the core and lower body musclesimproves pelvic stability and is ideal for preventing injuries.


Belén Écija's pre-wedding training© belenecijar

Kick with ‘miniband’

This exercise strengthens the glutes and hamstrings, as well as the core. You should try to focus the movement on the kick and keep the rest of the body active to stabilize yourself. Rest your hands on a bench or stable surface, with your knees on the floor and an elastic band around your legs. The hands should follow the line of the shoulder, neither further forward nor further back. Raise one leg back, extending it as far as possible while maintaining the core activated. Then, go down in a controlled manner. This exercise isolates the glutes, tones the lower body and improves muscular resistance, in addition to working on stability.


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‘Boxing’ with ‘miniband’ on the legs

This exercise seeks to focus the movement in the core. “With the mini band In the legs we achieve greater activation of the gluteus and legs,” says José Ignacio. “By trying to keep the lower body from moving and unlocking the upper body to be able to rotate the trunk with each punch, we will achieve a greater great work on the abdomen, glutes, legs and good work on the shoulders and arms“, he adds. In addition, he tells us that “with the impact on the punching bag or mini punching bag, we are also going to improve coordination, stability and cardiovascular resistance.


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‘Battle rope’ on your knees

The battle rope or battle rope is a challenging tool. To use it correctly, kneel on the floor with your back straight and your abdomen active. Alternate your arms quickly, creating waves on the ropes. Keep your back straight and body steady to avoid rocking. It is an exercise that strengthens the core. By not using his legs, he works harder to gain stability. It is an exercise that also improves cardiovascular resistance and increases your heart rate. It is a work on the arms, shoulders and back that develops strength and endurance. in the upper part of the body.


Belén Écija's training© belenecijar

Disc squat

To do this exercise, hold a disc with both hands in front of your chest, keeping the core firm. Perform a controlled squat, lowering yourself until your glutes lightly touch the box behind you. The goal is to use the drawer as a reference, without resting on it. When you go up, push, distributing the weight well over the soles of your feet and return to the starting position. You can do the climb with a jump to gain power in your legs as well as resistance. Of course, always try to keep your torso straight and the disc in front to maintain stability.

This is an exercise that improves depth. The box behind helps you descend in a more controlled manner and ensure you reach the appropriate depth. This is what José Ignacio told us, who also says that this movement strengthens the legs and the core. You especially work the quadriceps, glutes and abdomenin addition to improving posture,” he tells us. Holding the disc forces you to keep your chest elevated and prevents you from leaning forward. Hence, we can say that this exercise perfects the squat technique without compromising posture.


Belén Écija's pre-wedding training© belenecijar

‘Skipping’ on a trampoline

He skipping is one of personal trainer and physical therapist Crys Dyaz’s favorite exercises. She defines it as “run in place”. Explain that what you have to do is raise your knees alternately to your waist and move your arms forward and backward. If you are a beginner, he recommends starting with 40 seconds. If you are advanced, according to the expert, you can last up to a minute.


Belén Ecija© belenecijar

A workout to feel good

Belén Écija’s is a dynamic and fun functional training to not only look good and stay in shape but with which you can also feel better. And that should be the goal of all training: to achieve a physical shape that you feel comfortable with and to feel light in your daily life and full of energy. That is precisely what Belén needs for an intense year of preparations and to reach the big day strong.

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