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Wednesday, October 23, 2024

They transport food-for-victims-of-hurricane-John-in-Acapulco- Grupo Milenio

The Mi-17 of the Air Force takes off from Base Number 7 in Pie de la Cuesta, It is loaded with a ton and a half of groceries and bottles of water.

The mission: reach the community of Garrapatas, in the upper part of Acapulcowhere you can only reach by air, and the emergency has been maintained since September 25.

The five days of rain, generated by the storm Johndestroyed the only road that reaches this community of about 150 families.

By land, weather permitting, the journey would be at least an hour and a half. on a clay path where no trucks pass, but by helicopter, the transfer takes only 27 minutes.

“These types of operations,” he explained to MILLENNIUM Air Force Lieutenant Edgar Martínez, ship commander, has a lot of planning behind him to carry out air operations safely; cknowledge of meteorology, aerodynamics, weight, load, all of that is calculated beforehand.”

The aircraft flies over Acapulco and heads towards the hill, avoiding high tension cables and a fickle climate for the Pacific.

From 15,000 feet above sea level, you can see the narrow dirt roads, complicated for any vehicle, so the Mexican Air Force must be used to materialize the DNIII-E Plan in his recovery phase.

“Air operations are carried out on a permanent basis on a daily basis. Each aircraft carries out three to four flights and depending on the characteristics, one to two tons of groceries are transported per flight and this is what has allowed us to reach the most remote and isolated communities. What happened with the hurricane? John” says Lieutenant Colonel Iván Alberto Pérez, responsible for monitoring this operation, in an interview.

They transport food-for-victims-of-hurricane-John-in-Acapulco- Grupo Milenio
The Mexican Air Force implements Plan DNIII-E in its recovery phase.

Since September 30, when the airlift began, From the 27th Military Zone in Guerrero, 341 tons of groceries have been mobilized and water for 145 communities in the 125 municipalities of Guerrero.

The 303rd Air Squadron of Santa Lucía, in charge of the aerial mission, manages to land on an improvised airfield at the top of the hill.

The excited community leaves their homes to see the arrival of this military helicopter and receive the packages.With oil, rice, tuna, beans and canned vegetables, this is the first time that help has arrived for the community of Garrapatas.

“There is nothing for us to eat, for us to bring because the road was destroyed and we cannot go down to buy… So we are suffering with what we find and we are eating, then they came to take a census, but they did not census us all anything “Moreover, they notified a few ‘quants’, as they say nothing happened, but they should see who needs it,” says Guillermina Flores, from Garrapata, but thank these soldiers who brought them groceries.

Help is going to reach the Garrapatas community for the first time.
Help is going to reach the Garrapatas community for the first time.

What is on the way to Acapulco?

It is 2:00 p.m. and the Acapulco sun exceeds 35 degrees on the sidewalk. But the line also forms in the mornings and at night, outside the Sports Jorge Campos in the Renacimiento neighborhood, in the urban part of this port hit a year ago by Otisand a month ago John.

Many with an umbrella make themselves shade. In his hand, a bag with plastic containers and dishes, They wait to receive a plate of hot food.

In this sports car, 15 elements of the Mexican Army installed their kitchen trailer, which has the capacity to prepare up to 2,500 hot meals, is accompanied by a water purifying machine and a mobile tortilla factory; a little Mexican chicken, rice, beans, flavored water and a sweet; “a balanced meal”, boasts second captain Mario Ruiz, head of the kitchen.

The main inputs that will arrive will be: rice, beans, flavored water
The main inputs that will arrive will be: rice, beans, flavored water

For the operation, supplies are requested for 2,500 people and as time passes, the territorial command supplies us with the supplies to continue the operation until the end of the contingency.

“It is a satisfaction to be able to help the same citizens and the people of Mexico, it is a task that leaves enormous satisfaction,” adds the captain.

Ilde, who lives a few streets away, was affected by the five days of rain that tore down the hills. She must bring food for a niece with three children, for her sister who has a disability, and for herself: “Yesterday it was very tasty, today it also looks very good.” rich and blessed be God,” he says.

“One is at bay as they say, that’s why one seeks help every day, and that God gave us this help and these people who are helping us based on what we thank them for and may God bless them,” he tells MILLENNIUM Ilde.

It is expected that this aid will reach more than 2,500 people.
It is expected that this aid will reach more than 2,500 people.

By air or by land, these soldiers offer help to Guerrero and—they warn— until the emergency ends.

“There are a lot of mixed feelings. It is truly a pleasure for us Air and Ground Soldiers to bring this help to the people of Mexico to the most remote place.”says Air Force Lieutenant Edgar Martínez, ship commander.


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