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Saturday, September 28, 2024

Third report on Ayotzinapa case shows no progress: lawyer – Grupo Milenio

Vidulfo Rosales, lawyer for the parents of the 43 missing students, said that the Third report of the Presidency of the Commission for Truth and Access to Justice in the Ayotzinapa Case does not present any progress.

In an interview with Elisa Alanís for MILENIO Televisión, the legal representative said that the report is very similar to the one issued by the federal government on July 8 of this year.

“This report speaks for itself. It does not present any progress, it does not refer to any line of investigation that is being carried out, what progress has been made on these, what the obstacles have been and what is missing to finish consolidating them and to know the whereabouts of the students,” he said.

The report notes that among more than 285 genetic samples taken from bone remains found at key locations in the investigation, none of them belonged to the 43 Ayotzinapa students who disappeared in September 2014.

In addition, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador indicated that the investigation did not advance due to the lack of cooperation of Gildardo Lopez Astudillo, The Gilmember of the criminal group Guerreros Unidos.

For this reason, Vidulfo Rosales said that, “now it turns out that the entire Ayotzinapa case depends on a single witness, Mr. Gil“If he does not speak, if he does not cooperate, this case will not be resolved. We are wondering, and all that information that is in the military archives could not help clarify the case.”

“If the military archives contain data on 17 students who were transferred from Barandilla to a place outside Iguala, then that could help clarify the matter, but the President has set aside the issue of the military, he does not want to touch on it and is placing his hopes on a witness.”

The third report also He accuses that the sentence issued by a federal judge in Tamaulipas, which freed 65 alleged perpetrators, hindered progress in clarifying the facts, an issue to which Vidulfo Rosales expressed:

“This is the sentence that this judge issued in 2018, it is a sentence that we had already discussed, what this judge does is analyze the entire investigation that was carried out by the investigation of (Enrique) Peña Nieto and arrives at the conviction that there are a series of irregularities, not only torture, there are other irregularities, there is planting of evidence, there is a corrupting effect that makes the investigation invalid and that is why much evidence is excluded and he orders the release of several detainees.

“But the judge also decided to redirect the investigation, ordered the creation of a Truth Commission, which inspired the current one. “The Truth and Access to Justice Commission, so to suddenly blame that resolution, to say that because of that judge it was no longer possible to move forward with the resolution, seems absurd to me.”

March for 10 years of Ayotzinapa case will be peaceful: lawyer

Finally, Vidulfo Rosales commented that the march to commemorate the tenth anniversary of the disappearance of the normalista students will be peaceful and without violence.

The contingent will march at 4:00 p.m. from the Angel of Independence to the Zócalo in Mexico City.

“We are not responsible for other groups committing acts of violence. We are calling for a peaceful march and putting the demand for clarification of the case at the centre.”

“May it not be violence, may it not be other acts that take center stage tomorrow,” said the lawyer, who also revealed that on September 27 they will dedicate floral offerings in Iguala, Guerrero.



Third report on Ayotzinapa case shows no progress: lawyer – Grupo Milenio
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