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Monday, September 30, 2024

Tremor today in Mexico live news-September 30-ATM- Grupo Milenio

Mexico is a highly seismic country due to its location in the Ring of Fire and we are always prone to tremors that activate the Mexican Seismic Alert System (SASMEX).

In MILLENNIUMwe offer you an updated summary of all the telluric movements registered in the National Seismological Service (SSN), who is in charge of monitoring each of them.

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Why does it shake so much in Mexico?

Because the country is located in a tectonically active region, located in the Cocos Plate and the North American Plate, which generates a large amount of energy, releasing it in the form of earthquakes.

What to do in case of an earthquake?

The Disaster Prevention Center (CENAPRED) gave some recommendations on what to do when an earthquake occurs:

  • Stay calm and look for a place of seismic protection.
  • Protect yourself under a firm element.
  • Turn off the electricity and close the water and gas valves.
  • If you are on the street, stay away from buildings, poles and electrical cables.

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