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Vegetable meat, a good alternative for our diet?

Vegetable meat, little by little, is gaining a place in the refrigerators of many people, and not just those who have a vegan or vegetarian diet. A study promoted by the foodtech Heura Foods confirms that 85% of Spaniards would, in fact, consume more vegetable meat if you knew its benefits in health, sustainability and flavor. And we have several questions about these products. plant-based: Do we really know what these products are? Do we know its nutritional properties? Its benefits? We have raised some of these doubts and we wanted to have the opinion of nutrition experts to try to resolve those questions that may arise regarding its consumption.

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Are plant-based meats only for vegetarians and vegans?

As we anticipated, contrary to what is often believed, it is not only vegetarians or vegans who most often consume foods plant-based. According to the study carried out by Heura, 6 out of 10 Spaniards have consumed a vegetable hamburger or other vegetable meat product during the last 6 months, and 10% of those who have not tried it yet are considering consuming it soon. Furthermore, various published studies confirm that more and more people are not vegetarians or vegans, but are reducing the consumption of animal meat in favor of plant meat.

For Sara Martinezdietician-nutritionist, “the inclusion of vegetable proteins in the diet It is a win-win nutritional strategy. Integrating plant protein sources can help reduce the risk of chronic diseases, improve weight management, and support cardiovascular health. Recent studies, including one from Tufts University, have shown that diets rich in plant proteins are associated with a better cardiovascular health and lower incidence of obesity. “The diversification of protein sources enriches our diet, making it more sustainable and nutritionally balanced, as long as it is well planned, as in all diets.”

In processed products, the key is to pay attention to the quality of the ingredients and how they are integrated into your diet.

Sara Martínez, nutritionist

A processed food

Perhaps we are facing one of the aspects that can generate the greatest controversy: the fact that it is a processed productsomething you reflect on Salena Sainznutritionist at Naturae Nutrición. “Even though they are made from seemingly healthy ingredients like soy, pea protein, dried yeast, etc. What other additives do they contain? That’s the key, therefore, in my opinion they would never be the choice when preparing our shopping list,” he details. “Ultra-processed foods are foods that have been combined with a significant amount of manufactured ingredients such as artificial flavors and colors, preservatives for shelf stability, and texture ingredients. Therefore, We must not only take into account its main component but also everything that accompanies it. and it will have its effect on our body. “Scientific evidence warns that in addition to the beneficial nutritional ingredients in ultra-processed plant foods, they can also be a source of unhealthy compounds such as sodium and fat,” he adds.

In relation to this aspect, Sara Martinez considers that it is important to clarify that not all foods that undergo some process become an unhealthy option. “It is important to highlight that Not all processed products are the same. In the case of plant alternatives, if they are well formulated, they offer an adequate nutritional profile, rich in protein, fiber and essential micronutrients. The key is pay attention to the quality of ingredients and how they are integrated into your diet,” he says. And he adds: “Therefore, there are products that, although they are processed, are healthy options.”

Read also: 11 ‘plant based’ foods to increase your muscle mass

Vegetable meat, a good alternative for our diet?© Getty Images

Analysis from a nutritional point of view

One of the biggest concerns arises in relation to the nutritional properties of these foods. “They are a source of protein, dietary fiber and essential minerals. In Europe, the consumption of dietary fiber and minerals such as iron and potassium is generally lower than the daily recommendations, so it can help us with this purpose. But we cannot stop the assessment there but rather be aware that they include other types of additives that can lead to an imbalance in our diet,” says Salena Sainz.

“In my opinion we must increase the consumption of vegetable protein but preferably unprocessed and add additives. Consuming combinations with seasonal fruits and vegetables, adding quality legumes and complex cereals, where the true vegetable protein is free of other less positive nutrients,” adds the expert.

We must increase the consumption of vegetable protein, but preferably unprocessed

Salena Sainz, nutritionist

Differences between animal and vegetable protein

“Broadly speaking, the main difference between animal and vegetable protein is their nutritional quality. The first contains all the essential amino acids that our body is not capable of creating on its own, and therefore, it is considered of high biological value”says Salena Sainz, who adds that, on the contrary, vegetables generally do not have this quality. ”And to achieve all the essential amino acids, when consuming them you have to mix different foods. For example: legumes (poor in methionine and cystine) and cereals (poor in lysine), nuts (poor in lysine and methionine) and dairy or vegetables (poor in cystine, methionine and isoleucine) and eggs,” he tells us. And he does mention, however, an important advantage of its consumption: “As it is of plant origin, it does not provide cholesterol, as most animal proteins do, so its consumption helps lower blood levels, but Be careful that trans fats or sugars are not added to the preparation,” he tells us.

“As a specialist, I can assure you that many Well-formulated plant-based alternatives are sources of complete protein. Products such as tofu, legumes or soy-based preparations offer a high-quality protein profile, including all essential amino acids, which ensures a complete protein and nutritional contribution,” explains Sara Martínez.

Read also: How much protein should we consume per day? Take note of the recommended amount according to your age

Is it a more sustainable option than animal meat?

What there seems to be no doubt about is that more and more people are becoming more aware of the impact that what they consume has on the environment. However, there is still a lot of misinformation about the impact of certain foods, such as plant-based meat. What is more sustainable, recycling or replacing animal meat with plant meat? According to the report What a Waste 2.0 from the World Bank, recycling has an average impact of 5-9% in reducing emissions while Livestock’s Long Shadow report ensures that reducing the carbon footprint of a diet plant-based ranges between 75-90%.

“Opting for plant-based proteins typically requires fewer natural resources, such as water and soil, and generates fewer greenhouse gas emissions compared to animal meat production. By integrating more sustainable options into our diet, we can contribute to the conservation of the planetat the same time that we promote a balanced and responsible food model,” says Sara Martínez.

“It is true that the excessive production of meat worldwide, as well as the type of intensive farming and animal welfare, has raised important questions about how much it pollutes and whether this consumption is responsible. Consequently, we can guide the future towards a more respectful and sustainable form of animal husbandry. prioritizing the consumption of vegetable protein but, in my opinion, not in an ultra-processed way, but combined with other nutrients in order to obtain all the necessary amino acids,” considers Salena Sainz.

Many people are choosing plant-based alternatives not only for ethical or environmental reasons, but because they are looking for products that offer nutritional benefits.

Sara Martínez, nutritionist

An increasingly present food

What no one doubts is that vegetable meat is finding its place among a large group of consumers. “As a nutritionist, I see more and more in consultation that it is not just a fashion among the new generations, but a tincreasing trend across all ages towards greater health awareness. Many people are choosing plant-based alternatives not only for ethical or environmental reasons, but because they are looking for products that offer nutritional and general well-being benefits. This change shows how people are looking for a more balanced and healthy diet in their daily lives,” says Sara Martínez.

In the opinion of the Naturae nutritionist, social awareness about sustainability and animal welfare is an increasingly important premise, especially in new generations. “This need is being studied by the industry in order to open a new market niche. In the vegetarian sector, they also cover that emotional need for look for substitutes for the most classic products of our diet and gastronomic roots”, he indicates.

In his opinion, time and experience will put each food in its place. “Just as after decades there have been abandoned the consumption of sugary productsthe light and now we are discovering the harms of artificial sweeteners. Soon we will be able to obtain new conclusions, but in my opinion a greater consumption of vegetable protein with seasonal fruits and vegetables, accompanied by a lower consumption of animal protein from extensive and sustainable breeding that ensures animal well-being, would be the most reasonable path for a more balanced diet. healthy and responsible,” he concludes.

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