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Thursday, September 26, 2024

Volunteer work that makes you happy

Volunteer work that makes you happy

ZGAO – Walking buddies for seniors

A large number of residents of De Open Hof are looking for a volunteer who would like to go for a walk with them in the area every now and then. Both the Sloterpark and the market on the Sierplein are a stone’s throw away from this care location. https://vacaturebank.vca.nu/jobs/wandelmaatjes-voor-ouderen-2/

VoorleesExpress – Help a child to a language-rich and promising future

Would you like to help a family with language development and contribute to equal opportunities for every child? As a reader at VoorleesExpress you will be linked to your ‘own’ reading family (1 or more children) in the neighborhood.


Humanitas- Help Ahzar to create order in her life

Ahzar lives in Amsterdam Nieuw West, together with her 13-year-old son. She has been through a stressful period, with a divorce and a sick father. As a result, the administration has been left behind. Can you help her to get things in order again?


Sloten Mill – Employee with green fingers

Help keep the newly planted greenery around the mill tip-top. These green areas are the first impression visitors get of the mill. That’s why they are looking for people who love gardening to help.


The Sunflower New West – Activities Coordinator

Going out and about is not something you can take for granted if you have a physical disability. As an Activities coordinator, you work with other volunteers to make events possible for participants. You are supported by the department board.


Interested in one of these volunteer jobs?
Are you interested in one of these volunteer vacancies? Mail to Jelle: [email protected] or call/app him directly: 06-34030720 look at vca.nu/vrijwilligers-vacatures and search for the name of the organization. More information can be found at www.vca.nu.

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