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What is genitourinary syndrome that 85% of women suffer from?

He genitourinary syndrome of menopause (GUMS) It is a reality that affects millions of women around the worldbut about which very little is talked about. This disorder, closely related to decreased estrogen that occurs during menopause, causes a series of changes in the tissues of the vagina and urinary system that impact the quality of life of women. Despite the high prevalence, many of them suffer in silence, without knowing that there are treatments that can relieve symptoms and improve their well-being.

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What is genitourinary syndrome of menopause?

GUMS or genitourinary syndrome in menopause encompasses a series of symptoms that affect both the vaginal area and the urinary system. He Dr. Pedro Beltrán Calero, gynecologist at the Sanitas La Buhaira Medical Centerexplains that the syndrome is “a set of symptoms related to the decrease in estrogen during menopause, which affects both the genital and urinary tracts.” Among the most common manifestations are “vaginal dryness, pain during sexual intercourse, itching and/or burning without associated infection, urinary urgency and an increase in the frequency of urinary infections“.

As he explains Dr. Santiago Palacios, director of the Palacios Clinic in Madrid“as estrogen levels decrease, the tissues of the vagina and urinary system begin to lose elasticity and moisture“. This is what generates genitourinary syndrome.

For her part, Dr. María Fernanda Peraza Godoy, specialist in Urology and Andrology at the Corachan Clinic, and member of TopDoctors emphasizes that “these symptoms They do not usually resolve spontaneously and tend to be progressiveaffecting about 80% of women in different stages of menopause.”

Despite its frequency, less than 25% of women seek help, demonstrating the lack of disclosure about this disorder.

Dr. María Fernanda Peraza

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What is genitourinary syndrome that 85% of women suffer from?© Adobe Stock

Impact on quality of life

SGUM not only affects women physically, but also has a significant emotional and psychological impact. Dr. Peraza points out that “the discomfort caused by symptoms such as vaginal dryness, burning and pain during sexual relations can generate anxiety in women and affect their intimate relationships. Additionally, discomfort in daily activities due to urinary urgency or recurrent infections limits their quality of life.”

For his part, Dr. Beltrán adds that “these symptoms generate a feeling of frustrationas they not only affect women’s sexual lives, but also interfere with their daily activities, which can cause an overall decline in their emotional well-being.”

Many women feel embarrassed or uncomfortable talking about these symptoms, leading them to suffer in silence. This not only affects your self-esteem, but can also cause tension in your personal relationships, especially your sex life.

Dr. Santiago Palacios

Available treatments

Fortunately, there are several treatment options that can help women relieve the symptoms of UMS. Dr. Beltrán emphasizes that “the way to treat the syndrome depends on the severity of the symptoms and the individual needs of each woman. Hormonal therapies, such as local estrogens in the form of creams, are a common option. There are also non-hormonal treatments, such as vaginal lubricants and moisturizers“For those women who cannot use hormones, such as those who have had breast cancer, SERMs (selective estrogen receptor modulators) and vaginal moisturizers are viable alternatives,” adds Dr. Palacios.

In relation to the hormone therapyDr. Peraza highlights that “it has been shown to be safe and effective in numerous studies, and is recommended by several medical societies. However, there are still stigmas and fears around this treatment due to outdated warnings that should be reviewed,” she maintains.

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Laser treatment: an innovative option

In recent years, the laser treatment has gained popularity as an innovative, non-hormonal alternative to treating GUM. “This system uses energy to stimulate collagen production in vaginal tissues, improving their elasticity and natural lubrication. This can relieve symptoms such as dryness and pain during sexual relations,” says Dr. Peraza.

In addition, “it is an especially attractive option for women who cannot or do not want to use hormones. It is a minimally invasive procedure, that does not require anesthesia and has practically zero recovery,” adds Palacios.

Patients usually require between two and three laser sessions to obtain optimal results, spaced over several weeks. After this initial cycle, many women only need annual maintenance sessions to prolong the benefits.

Dr. Pedro Beltrán Calero

On the other hand, it can also be combined with other care, “such as the use of vaginal moisturizers and lubricantsto optimize the results and keep the vaginal tissue in good condition between sessions,” indicates the director of the Palacios Clinic.

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Happy woman in menopause© Istock

How much does a woman feel after laser treatment?

Although at first it may seem a little scary, the truth is that it is generally well tolerated by most women. “It is possible feel a slight sensation of heat or discomfort, but they don’t describe it as painful,” says Dr. Palacios.

Also, in most cases, Daily activities can be resumed the same day. However, it is recommended to avoid sexual intercourse for a few days to allow the vaginal tissues to fully regenerate.

Side effects and risks

Although laser treatment is generally safe, some mild side effects may arise. “The most common include temporary redness, swelling, or a burning sensation in the treated area. In very rare cases, infections or abnormal scarring could occur,” says Dr. Beltrán de Sanitas.

Therefore, it is so important that the technique be performed by a trained professional to minimize any risk. Although serious complications are rareit is essential to go to an experienced specialist,” recalls Dr Peraza, member of TopDoctors.

Complements to treatment

To improve genitourinary syndrome, you must also adopt a healthy lifestyle; a balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables, along with adequate hydration, can improve the health of vaginal tissues. In addition, “the pelvic floor exercises, such as Kegelscan be a very beneficial complement to improve urinary symptoms.”

Dr. Peraza adds that “the pelvic floor physiotherapy “It is another complementary option that can help improve urinary function and alleviate some of the symptoms of GUM.”

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The importance of talking about genitourinary syndrome in menopause

One of the biggest challenges of the SGUM is the lack of information and shame that many women feel when talking about their symptoms. “Many women don’t seek help because they think it’s something they have to live with,” says Dr. Palacios. “It is essential that we normalize this conversation so that more women know that there are solutions.” Also that they feel that they are not alone, Dr. Beltrán emphasizes, “and that there are treatments that can help them.”

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