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Monday, September 30, 2024

your dream project and a great passion

This weekend, the wedding season continues with the frenetic pace with which it started again after the summer a few weeks ago. After a September full of links, October is not far behind and if last Saturday they were Princess Theodora of Greecein Athens, and Ana Cristina Portilloin Jerez, who starred in two of the most followed weddings of the fall, This weekend it’s Constanza Villar-Mir’s turn.

As we have reported in these same pages, the daughter of Juan Villar-Mir de Fuentes – son of the founder of what is now known as OHLA – and Cristina Palacios, will get married on October 5 in Seville in a marriage that promises to be as romantic as attended with Daniel, her boyfriend for years.

A wedding whose details we have followed since HELLO! with attention and that has awakened our interest in the bride, Constanza, who has inherited her family’s business spirit, becoming a successful entrepreneur.

your dream project and a great passion© GTRES

Cons, as they call her at home, fulfilled her childhood wish years ago. “When as a child they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up, I remember that I always (and it always is) answered: pastry chef…”. And that is what it is today.

Founder of Delacos, a pastry shop that works with online orders for all types of events, she began this adventure “with desire and a lot, a lot of effort” and above all, following the motto that says ‘he who wants something, costs him something’, confesses the Constanza herself on her website.

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After studying Business Administration and Management at CUNEF and focusing on finding a job opportunity related to Marketing, Constanza finally left her comfort zone and opted for her great passion, baking, enrolling in one of the most demanding courses at Le Cordon Bleu, which he successfully passed after much dedication and effort.

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“After two years immersed in the world of mass consumer marketing, I decided to listen to the “Jiminy Cricket” that we all have inside and who invited and encouraged me to study what I really liked. After a few months, I qualified as a Pastry Chef with Honorable Mention from the great and prestigious Le Cordon Bleu Madrid School. Grateful and motivated by the chefs who taught me classes, I decide to continue on my path and begin to pursue that dream that I told you I had since I was little: to bring my enthusiasm for pastry and cooking to your homes, thus creating with a lot of effort and work. Delacos.” A dream that came true and in which she lives immersed today.

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“I have asked my parents and grandparents several times if they know where this illusion can come from and they don’t know how to answer me. For me it was from some movie I watched with my father when I was little” she continues.

“Delacos starts from the illusion from the first moment. Excitement for the project, for the path that was beginning, for each of the moments that I was going to live and that awaited me in this new adventure. A feeling that we try to convey in each of the orders we receive and that we believe makes us special.”


A far from easy path in which she has always had the support of her fiancé, Daniel, with whom in just a few days she will take another step in their solvent relationship, pronouncing the expected ‘yes, I want’ very loudly in the parish of Santa Ana. , in Triana.

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